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Our Philosophy 

Our view of Shamanism, Plant medicines, Jui Jitsu, Hiking, and Spiritual Neuroscience. 

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Shamanism goes back to the beginnings of human existence and that mysterious world that existed long before what we know today.   Just as the human soul is a mystery, so is shamanism.  We know that these ancient practices can have profound impact on a human beings journey through this material world.  We seek to bring back shamanism back to its place of mystery and sacredness.  

Plant Medicines 

Plant medicines have been an integral part of shamanism to the beginning of human history.  Every culture believed that plants hard there own spirits that should be honored and considered sacred.  We believe this as well, we take plant medicines very serioiusly. They are spiritual guides that should be taken with the greatest sense of respect and we seek to give them their honored place at Tiwaz Awakening. 

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

As Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has risen in popularity many have commented on how participating in the martial art has changed their lives in profound ways.  There are many reasons for this.  BJJ brings people back into their bodies.  BJJ forces one to become comfortable in the uncomfortable.  To be willing to find that inner strength to keep fighting and pushing oneself is key to being good at BJJ.  Everyday on the mat allows us to test ourselves and see who we are.  Just like Ayahuasca has the potential to show us who we really are, everyday is a chance to face yourself on the mat. 


There are so many amazing and beautiful places in Peru and we did not want our guests to just come do plant medicines and not see the country.  Not only does hiking provide a very grounding experience not complement Plant Medicines but it also allows our guests to immerse themselves in the local culture.  We visit Ausangate along with the local high Andean villages in what is a totally immersive experience that our guests never forget. 

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Spiritual Neuroscience 

Tiwaz Awakening brings together ancient practices with advanced technology.  We believe that everything in the material is spiritual as well and that includes our brain waves.  Our brain waves are our energetic signature, unique to each person.  Just as an acupuncturist can look at a person's tongue and see it as a hologram for the whole person, we seek to do the same thing with QEEG brain mapping.  With this map, we can then begin to train people in spirtual states. 

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